
New Image at the Margins : GHA Shorts Selection 2

類別: 電影








香港感覺 Hong Kong the Feeling

麥大傑 MAK Tai-kit|臺灣 Taiwan|1983|DCP|Colour|11min

★1983 金穗獎最佳8mm紀錄片



★1983 Best 8mm Documentary Film, Golden Harvest Awards

Through an abundance of 8mm stop-motion animation and montage, Hong Kong The Feeling documents the urban landscape of Hong Kong in the golden age of the 80s. With multiple angles, the camera travels through city blocks, the crowds and the traffic at peak hours. From symbolized graffiti to popular culture, all images vividly portray the era of economic prosperity.

Made during MAK’s early days of immigrating to Hong Kong, the non-dialogue film uses rhythms and music in the music-video style, combining with an 8mm camera’s fast focus change, frame rate shift and skip framing to capture the city’s once mesmerizing neon look.

那張照片 The Photograph

高重黎 KAO Chung-li|臺灣 Taiwan|1984|DCP|Colour|5min

★1984 金穗獎最佳8mm實驗影片

《那張照片》是將靜照電影化的8mm實驗作品。選自捷克攝影師約瑟夫·寇德卡 (Josef Koudelka) 攝影集中一張家人憑弔遺體的照片進行複雜「翻拍」。照片與攝影機位置是靜止的,生產關係則是動作的。


★1984 Best 8mm Experimetal Film, Golden Harvest Awards

The Photograph is an 8mm experimental film made from an animated still. From the Czech photographer, Josef Koudelka’s photography book, KAO chose a photo of his family beholding a body and made copies of it in a myriad of ways. The photo and the camera are stationary; however, the relationship formed between them through production is in motion.

KAO takes advantage of 8mm cameras’ mechanical prowess. He repeatedly turns the camera on and off, changes the aperture, and fades in and out. Applying double exposure, the negative effect, dissolving, skip framing, focus shifting, tilting and turning, he uses as many crafts in aesthetic photography as possible to turn this photo into a carrier of imagination. Once the audience’s gazes meet the photographing process, a photo becomes a film.

識界 Dream Land

杲中孚 GAO Chun-fu|臺灣 Taiwan|1986|DCP|Colour|4min

★1989 金穗獎16mm最佳動畫片



★1989 Excellent 16mm Animated Film, Golden Harvest Awards

Dream Land is a one-year ink painting project by GAO Chun-fu. Every night, in the late hours, GAO captures the busy and chaotic state with ink painting. Applying the flowing technique, he paints the images and illusions emerging from deep within. The spontaneous gathering and scattering of water and ink reflect the artist’s internal breathing as well as the passing of time.

In C. Jay SHIH’s article ‘The Preliminary Study of the Experimental Style of Taiwan Animated Shorts,’ he notes, “Despite the technical challenges owing to the lack of animation education and filming equipment at the time, 80s animated shorts impressed with their contentious energy and ability to think outside the box.”

那個破樓梯怎麼辦?What to Do about Those Broken Stairs?

金士傑 KING Shih-chieh|臺灣 Taiwan|1980|DCP|Colour|7min

★1980 金穗獎16mm短片佳作



★1980 Special Mention 16mm Short Film, Golden Harvest Awards

KING Shih-chieh plays A, who has no clue how to count the stairs of the old broken staircase. Should you count the landing? B, played by LI Ang, tells A, “I can’t possibly tell you what I don’t know, but the stairs can lead you to where you want to go. Isn’t that enough?” B is aware that she can’t fathom A’s rules. To A, the question already exists. If he can’t figure it out, it will keep haunting him like a wandering ghost.

This is an early short by KING. Through the incisive and game-like dialogue between the man and the woman, the film reflects on the unanswerable question of nihility and existence. Should we seek the answer to the question, or question the question itself?

朱銘 Ju Ming

黃玉珊 HUANG Yu-shan|臺灣 Taiwan|1982|DCP|Colour|10min

★1983 金穗獎16mm優等紀錄片



★1983 Excellent 16mm Documentary Film, Golden Harvest Awards

In his 40s, sculptor JU Ming had already made his name in the early 80s art scene in Taiwan. He then decided to pursue opportunities in New York. During then, HUANG Yu-shan made her first documentary with JU Ming as the subject when she studied at New York University. The film contains footage of JU knocking and carving in his studio and interviews with gallery managers, art critics, and sculptors. This film brings together two New York experiences from two Taiwanese/Asian “exhibitors” who respectively experienced documentary filmmaking and sculpting in the city.

JU once said, “When I forget myself, I am myself.” This was his philosophy when approaching Western culture as well as the spiritual heights he intends to achieve in his work.

開天 The Beginning of the Universe

李道明 LEE Daw-ming |臺灣 Taiwan|1982|DCP|B&W|3min

★1983 金穗獎16mm最佳動畫片



★1983 Best 16mm Animated Film, Golden Harvest Awards

Based on the story of “Pangu Separates Heaven and Earth,” The Beginning of the Universe starts with the time when the universe was a chaotic mass of air. After the great divide, Pangu’s body becomes the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, rivers, trees and grass.

The film uses moving sand paintings in combination with black-and-white images, transforming technique, and the unique sense of touch and fluidity of the medium to reimagine and reconstruct the traditional story. LEE made this experimental animation while he was pursuing his Master of Fine Arts Degree in Radio, Film and Television at Temple University in Philadelphia, USA.

噤聲 Keep Silent

石昌杰 C. Jay SHIH|臺灣 Taiwan|1988|DCP|Colour|5min

★1988 金穗獎16mm優等動畫片



★1988 Excellent 16mm Animated film, Golden Harvest Awards

Gambling in the night, four men throw the dice of fortune. Suddenly, all sounds are gone from their lives. The adults are muted. Even the babies cry silently. The only sounds left are the pressing knocking from the outside and the tense nerves inside. Who is at the door?

C. Jay SHIH created a chaotic state of being silenced with his unique styles of character, sound design, and changes of light and shadow. It also serves as a metaphor for the repressed atmosphere during the post-white terror era in Taiwan.

鏡子 Mirror

黃庭輔 HUANG Ting-fu|臺灣 Taiwan|1989|DCP|Colour|12min

★1989 金穗獎優等16mm劇情片


《鏡子》是黃庭輔早期創作之一,巧妙的聲音設計強化了影像的張力,獲得第十二屆 (1989)金穗獎優等16mm劇情片獎項。

★1989 Excellent 16mm Narrative Film, Golden Harvest Awards

A bedridden husband and his deranged wife live in a shabby old mountainside house. One day, the bored wife goes out to collect trash. As she passes by a deserted cemetery and ruin, she comes across a mirror and takes it home. The mirror connects the past with the present. The bedridden husband can see the reflection of the yellowed photos on the wall in the mirror, prompting him to reminisce about his past affairs during the Japanese rule. One day, the wife ventures out again and encounters a nightmarish air raid…

Mirror is one of HUANG’s early works. The clever sound design enhances the tension of the image. The film won Excellent 16mm Narrative Film at the 12th Golden Harvest Awards in 1989.

關於回家的路上 On the Way Home

袁廣鳴 YUAN Goang-ming|臺灣 Taiwan |1989|DCP| Colour | 12min

★1990 金穗獎優等實驗錄影帶



★1990 Excellent Experimental Video, Golden Harvest Awsrds

On the Way Home follows a man on his way home on a rainy night, while cross-cutting the happenings after he returns home: doing laundry in a flooded bathroom, drinking tea, reading, and repeatedly opening and closing the door.

Through improvisational and non-linear editing, YUAN repeatedly misplaces and repeats shot footage, fragmented language, and computer-regenerated images. Sometimes light-spirited, sometimes bizarre, YUAN creates an atmosphere in which serenity, confusion, and anxiety seem to co-exist. His work also attempts to explore the relationship between daily lives and surveillance.











◎TFAI 會員早鳥優惠:150元/張 (限TFAI會員購買, 10.06 (四) 23:59 結束前購票享早鳥優惠)










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