熱帶複眼 + 張徐展作品集

Compound Eyes of Tropical + selected works by Zhang Xu Zhan

類別: 電影








★ 各場次均由張徐展導演出席映後座談 Post-screening talk with director Zhang Xu Zhan.


Compound Eyes of Tropical

張徐展 ZHANG XU Zhan|台灣 Taiwan|2022|DCP|Color|17min

2022 金馬獎最佳動畫短片 Best Animated Short, Golden Horse Awards


The film is inspired by the costumes of "folk parade" performers from Taiwan's ceremonial festivals. Originally adapted from the Southeast Asian folktale The Mouse Deer Crosses the River, the work integrates similar folklore narratives from different countries to create the half-mouse deer, half-fox shaman puppet dancer in the animation. The dancer switches back and forth between human and animal, using his wit to fool the crocodiles in the river, in an attempt to reach the other side.

Si So Mi

Si So Mi

張徐展 ZHANG XU Zhan|台灣 Taiwan|2017-2018|DCP|Color|5min

2018 金馬獎最佳動畫短片入圍 Nominated for Best Animated Short, Golden Horse Awards


Death has been somewhat a taboo that most Taiwanese people prefer to avoid. Drawing inspiration from various death accidents commonly heard in a city, Zhang Xu Zhan recorded a song and used old newspapers as materials to turn puny, filthy and outcast lives in urban corners into paper figures, and choreographed a festive and absurd dance.


Ritual of Cathode Ray Tube

張徐展 ZHANG XU Zhan|台灣 Taiwan|2011-2013|DCP|B&W|5min

2014 金穗獎一般作品獎-優等獎 Honorable Mention, Outstanding Short Films, Golden Harvest Awards

2012 台北數位藝術節「第二自然」-「台北數位藝術獎」首獎作品 First Prize, Digital Art Festival Taipei


This experimental animation work draws the image in multiple angles, and the video is split into five different viewpoints. The images are projected with the same angles and distances into the space to connect them together. It creates a sense of LIVE or SNG (Media news gathering) style of reporting with multiple "live times" to interpret the simultaneous narratives in the image.

影像日誌 no.1-no.19

Animation daily series no.1-no.19

張徐展 ZHANG XU Zhan|台灣 Taiwan|2012-2015|DCP|B&W|5min

本片是於不同區域進行「現地製作」的動畫計畫,由數個極短篇單頻道動畫錄像組成,作品初始的製作模式是試著翻轉電影動畫工業中流程化且費時的製作方式,去除制式化的生產模式,以「不預先繪製」腳本、故事、角色、敘事設計等前置作業,而是於駐地區域,隨意識現場取材,將駐地空間發生中的「真實事件 或 人、物」直接挪至動畫中作為影像題材,以動畫的方式記錄奇想,將駐地觀察的事物,濃縮成期間發生的極短篇動畫劇場。

Using 26 days collecting 26 clues, selecting 13 from an in-store observation of readers, recording the natural occurrence of phenomena inside the bookstore. Made into 13 short mini-dramas, the series attempts to incorporate the recorded footage into animation, using the latter to create fantastical effects within the semi-realistic scenario.



◎ 全票|220元/張

◎ TFAI會員票|學生票 180元/張

◎ 孩童票|敬老票 110元/張

◎ 身心障礙票|本場次設有身心障礙席次可免費索取

【TFAI選映:熱帶複眼 + 張徐展作品集】

◎ 熱帶複眼 + 張徐展作品集優惠票|120元(會員及非會員同享本優惠價)

◎ 全票|220元/張
◎ 孩童票|敬老票 110元/張
◎ 身心障礙票|本場次設有身心障礙席次可免費索取

【TFAI選映:《KAREN》、《一邊星星 一邊海浪》】

◎ 全票|220元/張

◎ TFAI會員票|學生票 180元/張

◎ 孩童票|敬老票 110元/張

◎ 套票|300元,內含兩張電影票(《KAREN》及《一邊星星 一邊海浪》各一張)

◎ 身心障礙票|本場次設有身心障礙席次可免費索取


◎ 該場次開演前一小時可至現場櫃檯免費索票,每人限索兩張,數量有限,索完為止

TFAI Picks

◎ General: NTD 220/Ticket

◎ TFAI Member or Student: NTD 180/Ticket

◎ Child or Senior Citizen: NTD 110/Ticket

◎ Person with Disability: Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk

TFAI Picks:Compound Eyes of Tropical + selected works by Zhang Xu Zhan

◎ General: NTD 220/Ticket

◎ Zhang Xu Zhan's collection Special Offer:NTD 120/Ticket

◎ Child or Senior Citizen: NTD 110/Ticket

◎ Person with Disability: Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk

TFAI Picks:KAREN+ Between the Stars and Waves

◎ General: NTD 220/Ticket

◎ TFAI Member or Student: NTD 180/Ticket

◎ Child or Senior Citizen: NTD 110/Ticket

◎ Combo Tickets: NTD 300 for selecting two films , including 1 KAREN and 1 Between the Stars and Waves.

◎ Person with Disability: Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk

TFAI Restored Classic: The Wheel of Life, Fragrant Formosa : HUANG Chun-ming’s collection,The 60th Anniversary of Two "Butterfly Lovers" Films: Sam-phik-Ing-tâi vs. The Love Eterne

◎ Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk one hour before the screening. 2 tickets maximum per person. Available on a first come first serve basis.

Free tickets available on request at the Info Desk one hour before the screening. 2 tickets maximum per person. Available on a first come first serve basis.

※ 30 minutes prior for all screenings before 11:30 am.


購票如有任何問題,請洽國家電影及視聽文化中心(02)8522-8000 #3312~3313





1. 尚未取票或電子票:
※如無法使用退訂單功能,請至網站勾選項目1,填寫訂單資料;以現金購買之電子票, 請至網站勾選項目2,填寫訂單及存摺資料,提出申請。我們會在確認申請符合退票規則後,人工執行退票。

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至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理;或將存摺影本(若為現金購票)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。票券寄回前請先記下票券上的訂單編號(如:202101220000123-1),以便查詢退票狀況。


1. 尚未取票或電子票:


2. 已取紙本票:

至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理;或請將存摺影本、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。票券寄回前請先記下票券上的訂單編號(如:202101220000123-1),以便查詢退票狀況。




  • 若消費者於退換票時限前選擇「郵寄取票」,但於演出日、展覽結束前仍未收到票券者,經雙方確認 , 得不收退換票手續費。

  • 退換票手續費發票將預設存入OPENTIX會員載具,如有其他需求,請先致電客服中心(02)3393-9888 洽詢。


  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。
  • 【優惠組合退票】若購買兩個品項以上之優惠組合,退票須全數辦理退票,或退票後剩餘數量仍符合原優惠組合規則,方可辦理。
  • 【套票退票】套票退票需整套辦理,無法以單張票券申請退票。如購買不同場次票券,最遲需於首場演出日1日前(不含演出日)辦理;套票恕不接受換票。


