2023 camping asia:《迷幻長日》

2023 camping asia - SunBengSitting

類別: 舞蹈
分級:建議年齡 18歲以上




編舞家西蒙.梅爾(Simon Mayer)出身農家,後進入維也納國家歌劇院芭蕾舞學校就讀,陷入一個「農夫」也能成為謾罵詞彙的世界。他深刻體驗城鄉差距的矛盾、框架與自由相抵的尖銳。舞台上,梅爾毫不保留地跳躍、旋轉、奔跑,以一種乍看與人拉開距離的方式邀請觀眾進入他橫跨兩個世界的驚詫與想像。不若一開始予人陌生之感,通過多樣變換的藝術媒介,奧地利農場男孩和維也納表演藝術家的雙重身分,漸漸地從他赤裸的身體上顯現。





奧地利|西蒙.梅爾(Simon Mayer

編舞家、音樂家、表演者、講師和策展人。1984年出生於奧地利農場,成長於傳統、大自然、鄉村重金屬樂隊與反叛的青春之間。1997年就讀維也納國家歌劇院芭蕾舞學校,進一步接受了自我誘發認知恍惚、界線和同意、正念與創傷療法等方面的進修,並受Ingrid Doll教授指導學習聲樂,在不同樂團中擔任多種樂器演奏和歌唱。


他的編舞作品包含獨舞、雙人舞、群舞以及社會參與和沉浸式體驗活動,如《SunBengSitting》、《Sons of Sissy》、《Oh Magic》、《Volxfest》、《Being Moved》、《Bones & Wires》和《Somatic Tratata》。除了在舞台上的工作,梅爾也擔任戲劇指導、教練和工作坊導師。





演出、編舞、音樂|Simon Mayer

音效、現場執行|Pascal Holper

燈光設計|Lucas Gruber, Hannes Ruschbaschan

巡迴演出燈光設計|Jeroen Smith

製作人|Sophie Schmeiser

技術統籌|Jeroen Smith

巡迴演出製作管理|Lisa Anetsmann / Art in Motion

藝術顧問|Frans Poelstra

主視覺照片提供|Gerhard F. Ludwig

支持贊助|Elio Gervasi/raum 33, ROSAS, Kunstenzentrum BUDA, shareyourdarlings platform.

共同製作|Kopf hoch/Simon Mayer, brut Wien, FREISCHWIMMER 2014/15 and Im_ flieger.

特別支持|BMKÖ, the Province of Upper Austria, the Federal Chancellery, the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels, the Capital Cultural Fund and the Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs.

特別感謝|Kulturverein SPIEL, Trachtenverein Altstädter Bauerngmoa, Goaßlschnalzer Munderfing, Pramtaler Volkstanzgruppe, Fam. Mayer, Christian Schmeiser and Josef Schild.



共同策畫|CN D



SunBengSitting explores the questions that arise in the dynamic relationship between city and country, home and foreign, pigeonhole thinking and artistic freedom. "Sunbeng" is derived from the Upper Austrian dialect and refers to the bench placed in the sun in front of the farm.


Growing up on a farm surrounded by tradition, nature, youthful rebellion, and a rural heavy metal band, Simon Mayer moved to Vienna in 1997 and attended the ballet school of the Vienna State Opera. He was an aspirant with the Corps de Ballet for one season and had unexpectedly found himself in a world where the term "farmer" can also be used as a swear word. The move was both liberating and restrictive. The Austrian and performance artist invites the audience to get to know his life, his contradictions, and his unwillingness to conform to categories and conventions.  


AustriaSimon Mayer

Born in 1984 in Austria, Simon Mayer is a choreographer, musician, performer, lecturer, and curator. He studied at the Vienna State Opera Ballet School and at P.A.R.T.S. In Brussels and was a member of the Vienna State Opera Ballet. He was trained in self-induced cognitive trance, which was followed by works on the subjects of boundaries and consent, mindfulness and trauma.


Mayer played as a multi-instrumentalist and singer in various bands. He has released several audio performances, albums of musical compositions and stage productions. As a dancer, choreographer, and musician, he has participated in a wide range of productions. His choreographic repertoire includes solos, duets, group pieces, as well as socially engaged and immersive events. His plays have been performed internationally in Europe, China, Chile, and Canada.


As a curator and artistic director, Mayer founded Art in Motion - Association for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary and Transformative Art. It aims to promote, develop, and disseminate contemporary and experimental dance and performance art. It also aims to foster the connection of various art forms through performances, workshops, and seminars. Additionally, it focuses on conducting socio-cultural, socio-scientific, and socio-political research and its artistic representation. He has (co)directed festivals such as Spiel, Tanzplan Ost, and the Ecstatic Body Festival, among others. In addition to his stage work, Simon is active as a dramaturgical accompanist, coach, and workshop leader. In 2017, he received the Outstanding Artist Award of the Austrian Federal Chancellery, and in 2018, he received the Recognition Award of the Province of Upper Austria.


Performer, Choreography and Music: Simon Mayer

Sound and Live Loop: Pascal Holper

Lighting Design: Lucas Gruber, Hannes

Ruschbaschan Lighting Design on Tour: Jeroen Smith

Production: Sophie Schmeiser

Technical Director: Jeroen Smith

Touring and Production Management: Lisa

Anetsmann / Art in Motion

Artistic Consulting: Frans Poelstra

Photography: Gerhard F. Ludwig


Support by Elio Gervasi/raum 33, ROSAS, Kunstenzentrum BUDA, shareyourdarlings platform.


A co-production of Kopf hoch/Simon Mayer, brut Wien, FREISCHWIMMER 2014/15 and Im_ flieger.


With the kind support of BMKÖ, the Province of Upper Austria, the Federal Chancellery, the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels, the Capital Cultural Fund and the Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs.


Thanks to Kulturverein SPIEL, Trachtenverein Altstädter Bauerngmoa, Goaßlschnalzer Munderfing, Pramtaler Volkstanzgruppe, Fam. Mayer, Christian Schmeiser and Josef Schild.


Presenter: Taipei Performing Arts Center

In Partnership with CN D

Supported by CHANEL








2023.9.22 () 12:00正式啟售







於臺北表演藝術中心官網註冊或登入,前往「會員專區優惠券」頁面,輸入折扣碼「CAMPERS」可兌換2張「Camping Asia」系列節目85折優惠券、1張會費85折優惠券。兌換後可直接前往「OPENTIX」選位購票或於北藝官網購買付費會員方案。







1. 單場單筆訂單 20  ()以上 8

2. 單場單筆訂單 50  ()以上 75

3. 單場單筆訂單 100 ()以上 7



1.    身心障礙人士及其必要陪同者(1),享5(入場時請出示身心障礙手冊)

2.    年滿65歲以上長者購票5折,入場時請出示有效證件。




Ticket Benefits

Member Pre-sale

Know more about TPAC member: https://lihi2.cc/VXTPV

2023.9.15(Fri.)12:00──9.22(Fri.)12:00 Member pre-sale

·         TPAC member──Addict Player: 25% off

·         TPAC member──Trooper Player: Single ticket 15% off, 4 or more tickets 20% off, 10 or more tickets 25% off

2023.9.22 (Fri.) 12:00 Official launch of sales

·         TPAC Member - Addict Player: 15% off

·         TPAC Member - Trooper Player: Single ticket 15% off, 4 or more tickets 25% off, 10 or more tickets 30% off

·         TPAC Member -Rookie Player: 10% off

Register for free on the TPAC official website to enjoy ticket purchasing discounts.

Other Discounts

Campers Early Bird Special
Register or log in on the Taipei Performing Arts Center official website, go to "Member Area ➠ Coupons," enter the discount code "CAMPERS" to redeem two 15% off coupons for camping asia programs and one 15% off membership fee coupon. After redemption, you can directly proceed to seat selection and ticket purchase on "OPENTIX" or purchase a paid membership plan on the B-ARTS website.

Redemption period: From 8/31 to 10/15.

Cross-industry Benefits

·         Eslite Members: 8% off ticket purchase.

·         Cardholders of Taishin Bank, Cathay United Bank, E. Sun Bank, and Taipei Fubon Bank: 8% off ticket purchase.

Group Ticket Discounts

·         20 or more tickets in a single order: 20% off.

·         50 or more tickets in a single order: 25% off.

·         100 or more tickets in a single order: 30% off.

Other Discounts

·          Disabled individuals and their necessary companions (limited to 1 person) enjoy 50% off (please present disability certificate at entry).

·          Senior citizens aged 65 and above enjoy 50% off (please present valid identification at entry).

*The organizer reserves the right to change the program and interpret the discounts.









  1. 以「信用卡、行動支付、文化幣全額支付」購票:
  2. 以「ATM轉帳、現金」購票:



  1. 臨櫃退票:請於服務時間內,至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處辦理。
  2. 郵寄退票:請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。


  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。

  • 【優惠組合退票】若購買兩個品項以上之優惠組合,退票須全數辦理退票,或退票後剩餘數量仍符合原優惠組合規則,方可辦理。

  • 【套票退票】套票退票需整套辦理,無法以單張票券申請退票,亦不接受換票。如購買不同場次票券,最遲需於所購買的首場演出日1日前(不含演出日)辦理,如套票另有規定者,請依套票頁面之注意事項為主。

※ 依據文化部「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第3點規定,本節目之主要表演人員或主要節目內容,於預定表演前發生變動時,本活動之退票機制、受理方式、退款途徑等資訊,將另行公告於本節目頁面。
