
New Angles: A Thousand Faces of Love in Animations

類別: 電影
財團法人臺中市影視發展基金會 02-29621255


【2023臺中國際動畫影展】發現新視角:閃動中的千面愛情 New Angles: A Thousand Faces of Love in Animations


之後的影片大致依據愛情的發生和人生歷程依序排列,《突如而來的青春》、《花 簇在婆娑中綻放》、《廁所裡的愛情故事》、《緊抱我》,分別以跨物種間的情感 投射,花朵般的含苞待放,簡白純粹的試探表白,到濃烈的肢體糾纏,道盡愛情的起始到發生。


"Love" is often celebrated in various forms of art. What sets animated short films apart is their ability to convey the essence of love through symbolism. They can bypass the complexities of realistic storytelling and strike directly at of its essence. "The Ill-fated Romance of the Giraffe and the Ballerina" creatively presents an absurd scenario where a ballet dancer falls in love with a giraffe. This story shows how the things that make us attracted to one another can also become sources of disagreement and separation, encapsulating the essence of love.

The other films in this collection are organized based on how love happens and how life unfolds. Films like "Youth is Sudden..." "Blumentanz," "Lavatory - Lovestory," and "Hold Me Tight" explore different stages of love. From interspecies affections and budding relationships to passionate connections, they capture the inception and unfolding of love.

"Just a Guy" and "Sweet Like Lemon" portray the frenzy, apprehension, and poignant sweetness of love."The Triangle" is an early creation of the skilled Estonian animation director Priit Pärn. Its unique narrative rhythm metaphorically conveys the allure and challenges within marriages. "When the Raven Comes" and "Her Dress for the Final" touch on the tentative nature of love in later years and the enduring love for those who have departed. Each of these short films illustrates the indescribable emotional atmosphere that encapsulates the myriad facets of love.

【長頸鹿和芭蕾舞女演員的命運多舛的羅曼史】The Ill-fated Romance of the Giraffe and the Ballerina
尼克韋德 Nick WADE|英國 UK|2006|手繪、2D|DCP|Color|4 min

Set in a surrealistic African savannah cum ballet studio, a romance blossoms between a giraffe and a ballerina. On the surface, they seem alike, but as we burrow further into the relationship, we see unsolvable differences of spirit.

【突如而來的青春】Youth is Sudden...
三浦光理 Hikari MIURA|日本 Japan|2014|2D、3D|DCP|Color|3 min

An Indian toad with a penchant for girls' manga ventures out into the jungle in search of his destiny. What is it that awaits her ahead?

2014 日本山形 JCF 學生電影節入選
2014 日本學生 CG 大賽評審員獎

劉靜怡 Raito LOW|臺灣、馬來西亞 Taiwan, Malaysia|2022|停格動畫| DCP|Color|5 min

以舒曼聯篇歌曲作品四十二《女人的愛情與生命》為文本,結合實驗物件的停格動畫,運用近 60 種植栽作為女性符號,象徵愛情回歸原始狀態。
Using the text of Schumann's Frauenliebe und Leben Op.42 (A Woman's Love and Life), combined with stop-motion animation of experimental objects, the work uses nearly 60 plants as female symbols, symbolizing the return of love to its original state.

2023 北京費那奇動畫週 MV 競賽大獎
2022 關渡國際動畫節 KDIAF 臺灣特別獎
2023 放視大賞實驗與混合媒材動畫金獎

【廁所裡的愛情故事】Lavatory – Lovestory
康斯坦汀布朗茲 Konstantin BRONZIT|俄羅斯 Russia|2007|2D|DCP|B&W|10min

That’s a very usual love story which happened in the most unexpected place.

2009 奧斯卡金像獎最佳動畫短片提名

【緊抱我】Hold Me Tight
利奧盧娜羅伯特圖爾尼爾 Leoluna ROBERT-TOURNEUR|法國 France、比利時 Belgium|2021|2D|DCP|Color|6 min

In the heart of a dark forest, while hunting, two silhouettes meet. These creatures move like predators;they attract and repel each other, seducing each other during an explosive parade. “Hold Me Tight” is a flamboyant and bitter romance where the violent attraction of the characters puts them in danger.

【一個男人】Just a Guy
原翔子 Shoko HARA|德國 Germany|2020|複合媒材|DCP|Color|15 min

理查德拉米雷斯——一名連續殺人犯及強姦犯,於 80 年代被判定有罪後,有三名女性與之接觸。透過她們的視角分享,我們得以回顧當年他們交換的信件和情感,如同迷戀般讓人著迷,同時又令人不寒而慄地熟悉。
Three women share glimpses of their affection, attraction, and relationship with Richard Ramirez: A serial killer and rapist they contacted after his conviction in the 80s.

2021 波蘭克拉科夫電影節最佳短片導演金龍獎
2021 薩格勒布動畫節大獎

【甜如檸】Sweet Like Lemons
珍妮喬克拉 Jenny JOKELA|英國、芬蘭 UK, Finland|2023|手繪、2D|DCP|Color|6 min

Sweet Like Lemons is a visual reflection on getting out of a harmful relationship and moving on. The title is a play on the saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, only in this case there is no lemonade to be made, but the lemons still taste sweeter than what you left behind.

2023 安錫國際動畫影展入圍
2023 瓜納華托國際電影節入圍

【婚姻三角形】The Triangle
普里特帕恩 Prii PÄRN|愛沙尼亞 Estonia|1982|2D|DCP|Color|15 min

The film uses a caricaturist style to deal with very serious family problems, with the influence of habitual, routine life on wedded bliss. Julia is a loving wife who tirelessly looks after her husband Victor, however, takes it all for granted and is absorbed with reading the newspaper.

1983 愛沙尼亞電影節最佳動畫電影、最佳動畫電影導演
1983 烏克蘭動畫電影節 Novini kinoekranu 雜誌獎

【月圓時刻】When the Raven Comes
楊子新 YANG Tzu-Hsin|臺灣 Tawian|2018|2D|DCP|Color|4 min

As the people in the marketplace head out to enjoy the Moon Festival with their families, an old lady remains in her shop until the full moon is high in the sky. It seems as if she’s waiting for someone.

【黑色婚紗】Her Dress for the Final
瑪蒂娜梅斯特羅維奇 Martina MESTROVIC|克羅埃西亞 Croatia|2023|停格動畫|DCP|Color|9 min

One day my granny dyed her wedding dress black. She wanted to be buried in it.

2023 薩格勒布世界動畫電影節特別提及
2023 安錫國際動畫影展入圍
2023 瓜納華托國際電影節入圍

▍2023臺中國際動畫影展更多資訊請見 ▍









【曙光套票】:每套488元 / 限量100套
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A. 6張優惠券(可兌換任意場次,開、閉幕片除外)

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【追影通行證】: 每張799元 / 數量有限,售完為止


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