
Capture The Glowing Moment of The Ordinary Workers

類別: 活動/學習
高雄市政府文化局 07-222-5136



9/16 18:00 開放購買TTXC大禮包套票觀眾優先兌換

9/18 12:00 全面開放免費索取











Born in 1980, Chun-yang Lin is involved in film and television production as both a director and a cinematographer. In the early stages of his career, he worked on projects centered around the theme of love. Later, he incorporated his experiences with love and emotions into his directorial work, as exemplified by his 2019 TV series “The World Between Us,” where he successfully and accurately tackled the highly controversial issue of schizophrenia. This film sparked conversations and reflections on the topic, elevating Taiwanese television drama to new heights. “The World Between Us” garnered six awards at the 54th Golden Bell Awards, including “Best Television Series” and “Best Directing for a Television Series.”

In 2020, he participated as a cinematographer in the project “Workers,” using a gentle perspective to allow the audience to intimately experience a glimpse into Taiwan's diverse industries that should be carefully observed.

In 2021, Chun-yang Lin directed the period drama “Gold Leaf,” undertaking a meticulous exploration of Taiwan's history. Taking the era into account, the series incorporated a variety of languages, including Hakka, Minnan, English, Japanese, Mandarin, and Shanghainese, to match the narrative context. The production aimed for authenticity in areas such as art direction and costume design, prompting viewers to contemplate the historical past of this land and actively to delve deeper into its exploration.

In 2023, his film “Eye of the Storm” portrayed the experiences of medical professionals during the SARS quarantine incident that occurred 20 years earlier. The film received 13 nominations at the Taipei Film Festival, including “Best Director” and “Best Feature.”

In the same year, his television series “Wave Makers” centered on the workplace of a publicity aide during a presidential election, telling the story of compromise and choices made beneath the overarching political landscape.

Chun-yang Lin’s recent works focus on socially realistic themes.

“What sparks my curiosity isn't just the issues themselves but what they reflect about the complexity of human nature.”





Coming from a background in advertising production, Fen-fen Cheng has directed numerous episodes of the “Life Story” series for Public Television Service (PTS), garnering recognition at the Golden Bell Awards. Her debut feature film, “Keeping Watch,” received the “Best Screenplay Award” at the Singapore Asian Festival of First Films. Her second film, “Hear Me,” was the box office champion of that year in Taiwan and earned her a nomination for “Best New Performer” at the Golden Horse Awards. She also won the “Best Actress” award at the Taipei Film Festival.

Among her other award-winning and successful films are “Taipei 24H,”“Bear It,” and “Go Brother!” Her latest television series, “Workers,” received several accolades at the 56th Golden Bell Awards, including “Best Miniseries,”“Best Directing for a Miniseries or Television Film,”“Best Leading Actor in a Miniseries or Television Film,” and “Best Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Television Film.”



導演(兼編劇)作品有電影《候鳥來的季節》《心靈時鐘》及影集《火神的眼淚》。繪本作品有《我的23個臉孔》《2087年的時候》。歷年電影曾獲伊朗茉莉花國際影展最佳劇本獎、台灣優良劇本獎、拍台北劇本獎第一名、美國休士頓國際影展金獎等。而《火神的眼淚》則深受觀眾喜愛,首播時在各大平台都是收視冠軍,Netflix則連續21天奪冠。中華電信的Hami Video及台哥大的myVideo都公布本劇奪下2021年度夯劇排行榜冠軍。並獲金鐘最具人氣戲劇節目獎。

Yin-chuan Tsai is a director and screenwriter known for her works in both film and television. Her filmography includes movies such as “Stilt,” “Packages from Daddy,” and the TV series “Tears on Fire.” She also has authored picture books like “My 23 Faces” and “In the Year 2087.”


Over the years, her films have received various awards, including the Best Screenplay Award at the Iran Jasmine International Film Festival, the Taiwan Excellent Screenplay Award, First Prize at the Filming Taipei Screenplay Competition, and the Gold Award at the WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival in the United States. Furthermore, “Tears on Fire” was deeply beloved by audiences, achieving top ratings across major platforms during its premiere. It also held the number one spot on Netflix for an uninterrupted 21 days. Both Chunghwa Telecom’s Hami Video and Taiwan Mobile’s myVideo announced that the series secured the top spot in the 2021 hottest drama rankings. It received the Most Popular Drama Series award at the Golden Bell Awards.



結束法律工作,負笈法國Paris III 與 Montpellier III學習表演與電影,爾後專注於影音創作,廣告、電影、影集及MV。眾多知名品牌指定導演,並執導2011年電影 《殺手歐陽盆栽》,2013年電影《天后之戰》,2019年電視影集 《最佳利益》,2020年製作、編導電影 《破處》,2022年電視影集 《最佳利益II、III》”作品中帶著有溫度的反照與諷刺,持續以多元風格與熱情活力創作著。

Born in 1973. The quest for a delightful sense of humor has remained a consistent life theme.

After concluding a career in law, Lin Lishu went to study acting and film in France at Université Paris III and Paul Valéry University Montpellier 3. Later, Lishu focused on audiovisual creation, working on commercials, films, television series, and music videos.

Lishu has been selected as director by numerous well-known brands and has directed several notable works, including the 2011 film “The Killer Who Never Kills,” the 2013 film “Faithball,” the 2019 TV series “Best Interest.” In 2020, he took on the roles of producer, writer, and director for the film “Leaving Virginia,” and in 2022, he worked on the TV series “Best Interest II and III.”

His works reflect warmth and satire, and he continues to create with a diverse style and enthusiastic energy.




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