
Contemporary Scene#1

類別: 電影


【亞洲首映Asian Premiere】

野花盛放的記憶Wild Flowers

卡菈.克蘭切維奇 Karla CRNČEVIĆ|克羅埃西亞 Croatia、西班牙 Spain|2022|DCP|Colour|11 min



My father used a camera just once in his lifetime. After 30 years he asked me to digitise the VHS material he filmed. I was wondering what he remembers. 

‘(On the decision to have a counterpoint between the images and the conversation in the soundtrack.) A question that is very important for me is why someone who never thought about using a camera takes one, and how he remembers it later. For him it was a very important moment in his life. It’s obvious that he clearly remembers some points of the recording even though it was 30 years earlier; but other moments are totally lost in his memory. I wanted to face the materiality of film with the memory of a person. For me there was something very meaningful in that conversation; him “seeing” images once more with my eyes, in the gaps of his remembering, in black spots, intending to rememberit was like creating a story from scratch even if it already happened.’ - Karla CRNČEVIĆ

2023 FIDMarseille 馬賽國際影展

2023 Dokufest 科索沃國際紀錄片影展

三月八日實錄備忘 March 8, 2020: A Memoir

費拉特.尤杰爾 Firat YÜCEL|土耳其 Turkey、荷蘭 Netherlands|2023|DCP|Colour|16 min


費拉特.尤杰爾:「有別於一般監控電影多探討個人權利,或從保護個資的面向切入,本片則從集體權利的視角來討論,指出國家與企業不僅監管人們的個資,還監控群眾的動向,以防範人們集結抗議。《三月八日實錄備忘》試圖顛覆這樣的國家邏輯,將監視影像為我們所用,來講述屬於我們的故事——3月8日的女性主義者夜間遊行(Feminist Night March)活動。透過電腦螢幕,我們將由上至下的監控轉化為由下往上的監視。我們採用桌面紀錄片(desktop documentary)的策略,突顯出那些被視為國有的影像素材,可以成為下層平民書寫自己歷史的素材。事實上,這是我們城市的影像,它不屬於個人,而是屬於人們、群體與公眾的。」

A desktop documentary about the Feminist Night March protest in Istanbul in 2020, entirely created with screen recordings of the event and its aftermath, deconstructing and repurposing touristic and surveillance images.

‘It is a film that speaks about surveillance not in terms of personal rights, or private data protection, as it’s usually done, but in terms of collective rights. The state and corporations do not only surveille our private data, they also monitor the movements of the masses, in order to prevent people from coming together to protest. This film turns this state logic on its head: we use the images of surveillance to tell our own story, the story of the Feminist Night March, thereby turning surveillance into sousveillance; watching from below, in this case from our laptop’s monitors. The film suggests that by using desktop documentary strategies, we can write our own histories from below, with footage that is supposedly state-owned. In fact, it’s the footage of our own city. It belongs to the people, not to individuals but to masses, to the public.’ - Firat YÜCEL

2023 Dokufest 科索沃國際紀錄片影展

2023 Kasseler Dokfest 德國卡塞爾紀錄片及錄像節

【亞洲首映Asian Premiere】

在戰場上 On the Battlefield

泰瑞莎・戴思安 Theresa DELSOIN、洛怡嵐 Lisa Marie MALLOY、史杰鵬 J.P. SNIADECKI、雷・懷特克 Ray WHITAKER |美國 United States|2024|DCP|Colour|17 min




In Little Egypt, Southern Illinois, Ray Whitaker explores former housing projects of Cairo's Black community of his hometown. His mic captures sounds of nature and life. Guided by a 1970 LP featuring Reverend Dr. Charles Koen, Whitaker seeks audible connections between past, present, and future.

Little Egypt Collective (LEC) is a multi-racial, multi-generational group of artists from ‘Little Egypt’ in Southern Illinois and Chicago. Their work is a mode of collective world-building and a means of investigating conditions of inequality in Southern Illinois, a region historically marked by economic and racial injustices. They utilise speculative fiction and conceptual playfulness to generate new expressions of community spirit and resistance, and participate in Cairo’s resurgence. This is LEC’s first work.

‘As the first Little Egypt Collective release, this film is an overture celebrating the joy and power of Cairo, a town famous for confluences and collisions: between the North and South; the Mississippi and the Ohio rivers; and Black liberation and white supremacy. We offer an aperture of encounter, resistance, and inspiration, and invite audiences into these muddy histories and potent spaces’. - Little Egypt Collective

2024 Berlinale 柏林影展

2024 Cinéma du Réel 法國真實影展

【亞洲首映Asian Premiere】

無盡的藍 Blue

維奧萊娜.安普迪亞.羅德里格斯 Violena AMPUDIA RODRIGUEZ |古巴 Cuba、比利時 Belgium|2023|DCP|Colour|17 min




Blue, a collaborative process with women who have experienced postpartum depression. The director organises a cyanotype workshop for these mothers to create their own images that illustrate their condition: from their fears, dreams, and experiences through the different shades of blue.

‘When my mother worked as an ultrasonographer of pregnant women in Cuba, I was a little girl who grew up surrounded by big bellies at the level of my head. Their fears and expectations in relation to the future, embodied in the figure of a new human being, became a subject of interest for me…Postpartum depression was a topic I always wanted to address, because of the complexity of the subject, how underrepresented it is and the need to explore it. It is something that many women have suffered as mothers, but for which society is very unprepared to deal with and therefore the same mothers who suffered it, end up hiding it or not understanding what they are going through…So, I began to publish posts on the social media pages of mothers, calling for those who had gone through this situation and wanted to express themselves through a collective film. It was very exciting to see the amount of mail I got the next day. Then, I organised an intimate workshop of cyanotypes in which I asked these mothers to collect memories, photos, writings, dreams, thoughts... related to that time. It was inspiring to see their limitless creativity and their openness and need to express themselves. For two weeks I was giving this workshop in the darkroom of the photography department at our university and it was beautiful to see how externalising their condition in other objects helped them to open up, to play and to transform such a heavy experience into a creative process that spoke of their feelings without having to resort to conventional testimony.’ - Violena AMPUDIA RODRIGUEZ

2023 Festival dei Popoli 義大利波波利國際紀錄片影展

2023 Ji.hlava IDFF 捷克伊赫拉瓦國際紀錄片影展

 ▀ ▙ ▝▚ ——— 𝟮 𝟬 𝟮 𝟰 𝗧 𝗜 𝗗 𝗙 ——— ▘ ▞ ▘ ▜

► 5.10-5.19 國家影視聽中心|臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB​|光點華山電影館|京站威秀



►TIDF IG:https://www.instagram.com/tidf.tw/







【TIDF套票】 420元/套(一套含6張電影優惠券)



















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