檔案短片輯#1 家的拼貼

Archive#1: A Family Collage

類別: 電影


家庭旅行 Family Trips

劉紀彤 LIU Chi-tung、劉紀汎 LIU Chi-fan|台灣 Taiwan|2022|DCP|Colour|25 min



Over 60 years ago, my father embarked on a one-way trip to Kaohsiung, settling in Liuhe Night Market. From there, he became a Japanese tour guide. The pandemic suspended his work, prompting a reflection on the past. This film is a personal journey, exploring the intimate bond formed during outings with my father's tour group.

‘This work is about an experimental trip attempted by a pair of siblings who have moved out for years to get along with their parents again. We endeavoured to accompany our parents now, as they used to accompany us, with a family trip and home videos. The work is composed of video clips from this journey and the video our father took when tour guiding in the past. The different frame sizes between V8 and full-HD video represents the time span and image interlaced by father, mother, son, and daughter. The shifting of camera shoot and the alteration of being filmed and filming (passive and active), echo the various stages of life in the family and shape a sculpture of family relationships.’ - LIU Chi-tung and LIU Chi-fan

2022 Citizen TAINAN Award Nominee, South Taiwan FF 南方影展台南影像獎入圍

細膩與狂暴之間 Between Delicate and Violent

希琳.巴哈.德米雷 Şirin Bahar DEMIREL|土耳其 Turkey、荷蘭 Netherlands|2023|DCP|Colour|15 min



The video links the director’s past to imagination and creation, exploring themes like domestic violence, intergenerational trauma, and resistance. The film considers hands as memory places that can both accumulate and transfer memories. Through hands and their creations, it imagines unearthing lost memories that have not been included in performative, socially acceptable family albums.

‘By highlighting the performative nature of family photographs, I aimed to uncover the hidden imprints of the patriarchal family structure, which served to mask the traumas of domestic violence and mental illness within my own family. I used video-collage and a blend of diverse animation techniques to visually depict the fragmented nature of memory. As the process of remembering inherently involves rewriting, I found that frame-by-frame animation was fitting. Since the memory of touch is at the heart of the narrative, I opted for handmade paper animation, which also hints at the concept of hands as vessels carrying memories across generations. Just like family photos and heirlooms.’ - Şirin Bahar DEMIREL

2023 IDFA 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展

2023 Kasseler Dokfest 德國卡塞爾紀錄片及錄像節

【亞洲首映Asian Premiere】

空景中的父親 Background

哈立德.阿卜度瓦哈德 Khaled ABDULWAHED|德國 Germany|2023|DCP|Colour, B&W|64 min



A Syrian filmmaker in Leipzig reconstructs his father’s journey, arriving in the GDR as an exchange student in 1956. The son applies for asylum more than 60 years later as a refugee. The civil war in Syria separates their stories, the film brings them back together and continues them.

‘I’ve become haunted by my father's story in the GDR 60 years ago, trying to imagine him here, thinking of the differences in time, circumstances, politics, relations, what is left, and what changed. I kept searching for his places and possible traces, taking photos and notes. His language school, a barbershop, an opera, the university, archives, camera, river…. In my studio, I treat a few old photographs of my father. Cut his young figure, retouch, and paste it in new locations creating new photos. Background film is my attempt to reconstruct and adapt memory, deal with the loss, learn more about my new home, its present and past, claim and rewrite a personal history, and establish a meeting point between two eras, stories, father and son in the cinema space.’ - Khaled ABDULWAHED

2023 FIDMarseille 馬賽國際影展

2023 IDFA 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展

▀ ▙ ▝▚ ——— 𝟮 𝟬 𝟮 𝟰 𝗧 𝗜 𝗗 𝗙 ——— ▘ ▞ ▘ ▜

► 5.10-5.19 國家影視聽中心|臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB​|光點華山電影館|京站威秀



►TIDF IG:https://www.instagram.com/tidf.tw/







【TIDF套票】 420元/套(一套含6張電影優惠券)



















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