
Myanmar Shorts#1

類別: 電影


我的診所 The Clinic

翁明 Aung Min|緬甸 Myanmar|2010|DCP|Colour|21 min



In an impoverished outskirt of Yangon where the healthcare needs of the neighbourhood is great, a doctor tries to deal with the patients’ problems and also his own.

‘This is one of my very first films, I had a coworker, Jeu, who used to do photoshoots at weddings. He followed me around with a camera. And a Yangon Film School student, The Maw Naing, who started learning editing. In 2010, it was illegal to carry a camera on the streets and could land you in trouble with the authorities. We decided to make a film within the clinic and when we went out, we were very careful. We were first thinking of filming only me, the doctor, but it was impossible to film the doctor without the patients. By the time we made that film, there were already two separate military coups in Myanmar. The film was made 10 years after the second military coup. Almost all signs of resistance were crushed, and the people were defeated. With poverty, diseases, and darkness everywhere, people have lost almost all hope. Now, along with another military coup in 2021, this dreadful situation has returned. It is like reliving the memories and the era of hardship. I hope the film will shed light on the situation in Myanmar even after 14 years.’ - Aung Min

2012 Wathann FF 緬甸瓦旦電影節

古城故事 Mrauk Oo Story

翁明 Aung Min、丹覺泰 Than Kyaw Htay|緬甸 Myanmar|2015|DCP|Colour|25 min


翁明:「這是TEN MEN製作的其中一部教學作品。我們帶著緬甸若開邦的工作坊成員來到妙烏邦,在一座座古老的寶塔裡拍攝,男孩們在那收集塑膠製品賺取生計。片中角色由非職業演員飾演,他們只依循簡單的表演指示。歷時五天的工作坊中,演員們建立和角色的深度連結並得以表達自我。2015年電影拍攝時,妙烏仍是相對平靜的小鎮,但這座城市正變成緬甸內亂的戰區。」

Amidst the ancient city of Mrauk Oo, a group of young boys earn a living by collecting plastic among the ancient pagodas. With the introduction of a modern electronic device, conflict arises and grows among the boys.

‘It is one of TEN MEN Production’s teaching films. With the aid of workshop members from Rakhine, Mrauk Oo state, we shot among the ancient pagodas, and the boys making a living by collecting plastic among those ancient pagodas. It was done using non-actors and were only given simple instructions. Within the five days of workshop, the actors developed deep connections with the roles and were able to express themselves. When the movie was made in 2015, Mrauk Oo was a relatively peaceful town but now the city is on the brink of becoming a warzone in Myanmar’s civil war.’ - Aung Min and Than Kyaw Htay

2015 Wathann FF 緬甸瓦旦電影節

漁人故事 Fisherman Story

翁明 Aung Min|緬甸 Myanmar|2017|DCP|Colour|26 min



In a Myanmar fishing village near Ngapali Beach, a lifelong fisherman battles generations of hardship under dictatorships. He dreams of breaking the sea's vicious cycle for his grandson, shaping a poignant tale of their bond with the ocean.

‘The fisherman has suffered his entire life under both the Burmese socialist regime and the military dictatorship. In 2016, with the democratic transition on the way, he recalled the memories of abuse under dictators and Yangon fish merchants. In the same village, young boys eagerly await their chance at sea but the older generation is reluctant to pass it on. They see it as a life of sin and exploitation by the various dictators. With the return of dictatorship in 2021, the military has prohibited fishing and blockaded this region. The generation-long fishing tradition faces extinction, along with the village.’ - Aung Min

2017 Wathann FF 緬甸瓦旦電影節

塑袋奇想 Plastic Bag 

丹倫烏 Than Lwin Oo|緬甸 Myanmar|2024|DCP|Colour|20 min



Myanmar, a young boy haunted by the seal of sin, pursues an impossible love and loses himself.

‘When I was 19, I tried to kill myself for love. But I didn’t succeed. I was too afraid to die, afraid to live…When it is dark in our lives, we tend to flee to even darker places. We often imagine that our darkness will disappear there. I am obsessed with this thought. Where there is light you can see things, with darkness you can tell things. In the darkness everything is more raw, more naked. Our fears as well as our desires. It seems to me that we get a little closer to the truth. Dark is the story of my country, drowned after a short break in the cruellest of dictatorships, my country victim of a tight closure to the rest of the world, surrounded by a multitude of wars, especially on all its borders.’ - Than Lwin Oo

 ▀ ▙ ▝▚ ——— 𝟮 𝟬 𝟮 𝟰 𝗧 𝗜 𝗗 𝗙 ——— ▘ ▞ ▘ ▜

► 5.10-5.19 國家影視聽中心|臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB​|光點華山電影館|京站威秀



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