
The Epic of Galaxy- 2024 Sirius Harmonica Ensemble Annual Concert

類別: 音樂
分級:建議年齡 4歲以上




The Epic of Galaxy- 2024 Sirius Harmonica Ensemble Annual Concert

【演出影片 Performance Video】







The harmonica is a highly distinctive instrument, small yet imbued with infinite possibilities, often hailed as the king of popular instruments. It can not only interpret classical music but also span genres such as pop, jazz, and contemporary music. However, in Taiwan, the harmonica is considered a niche instrument, and most people hold the stereotype that it is only used to play old songs and traditional tunes.

Sirius Harmonica Ensemble, the recipient of 2017 Harmonica Group World Champion, is a representative contemporary harmonica group dedicated to the innovation and promotion of harmonica music, interpreting various styles of music through ensemble arrangements. When collaborating with musicians from different countries, they have been deeply moved by the diverse musical cultures. Recently, during a performance tour in Europe, the enthusiastic applause and profound resonance from the local audience astonished the ensemble, highlighting the success of local music education and emphasizing the necessity of localizing and integrating music into everyday life.

Since 2012, Sirius Harmonica Ensemble has been committed to promoting harmonica performances across various cities and counties in Taiwan, receiving much encouragement and support from the public. Through their performances, they hope to introduce more people to Taiwan’s high-quality harmonica ensemble music and to foster a deeper appreciation for cultural and artistic activities, thereby promoting the development of the arts in Taiwan.

The 2024 annual concert " The Epic of Galaxy " will feature original harmonica music in collaboration with composer Jang Li, with performances at National Recital Hall and Weiwuying Recital Hall. The ensemble, combining their recent focus on Latin, jazz, and pop music, hopes to share the beauty of harmonica music with music lovers.


【演出影片 Performance Video】

天狼星口琴樂團 Sirius Harmonica Ensemble

天狼星口琴樂團為2017年世界口琴節小合奏冠軍得主,亦曾於2013、2021年世界口琴節受邀擔任大賽評審/演出嘉賓/講座。在2022與2023年,天狼星口琴樂團曾連續獲選為財團法人國家文化藝術基金會「TAIWAN TOP演藝團隊」。近年來持續活躍於亞太口琴節、首爾國際口琴節、德國柏林FEN音樂節、全日本口琴連盟合宿研修会、檳城口琴音樂節等歐亞口琴音樂節與各國邀演中,為現今國際琴壇最具影響力的口琴團體之一。天狼星口琴樂團曲風多元,涵蓋拉丁、探戈、爵士與流行樂等。在專業藝文演出之外,天狼星口琴樂團也致力於口琴音樂的教育與推廣。除了年度的公演與臺灣各地的巡迴演出之外,樂團定期舉辦「臺灣口琴音樂節」,此活動目前已成為臺灣規模最大的口琴年度盛會以及東亞重要的口琴音樂節之一。樂團近年更跨足口琴硬體開發,並由團員蔡明憲與張晁滕兩位老師成立手工琴品牌「Laelaps」。樂團希望能為口琴音樂創造一個更好的環境,在專業藝文、教育推廣與硬體推廣等不同面向上都能盡一份心力。







Sirius Harmonica Ensemble is the recipient of Harmonica Group World Champion in 2017 World Harmonica Festival (WHF), and was invited as judges, performing guests, and workshop lecturers by WHF in 2013 and 2021. In 2022 and 2023, Sirius Harmonica Ensemble received the Taiwan Top Performing Arts Group award from National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan. In the past decade, they remain active in various international harmonica events in Europe and Asia including Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival, Seoul International Harmonica Festival, Harmonica F E N Festival and Penang Harmonica Festival, and have been regarded as one of the most globally renowned harmonica ensemble influencers at the present time. Sirius adopts a wide range of musical styles from Latin, Tango to Pop and Jazz. In addition to the exploration in harmonica music, they have also devoted to the popularization and education of harmonica music. Besides the annual concert and concert tours in Taiwan, Sirius organizes the Taiwan Harmonica Music Festival (THMF), which has become the most important annual harmonica event in Taiwan and a resounding harmonica festival in east-Asia. In recent year, Sirius has expanded into harmonica hardware development, with band members Ming-Hsien Tsai and Chao-Teng Chang, establishing the handmade harmonica brand "Laelaps." Sirius hopes to create a sound environment for harmonica music, dedicating efforts in various aspects such as professional arts, educational outreach, and hardware promotion.

Chord Harmonica|Yen-Ming Emery CHEN

Chromatic Harmonica|Chao-Teng CHANG

Chromatic Harmonica|Ming-Sian CAI

Chromatic Harmonica|Yi-Hsiang CHEN

Chromatic Harmonica|Yen-Hua WANG

Bass Harmonica|Kuan-Chih HUANG    

特邀來賓 Special Guest/李讓 Jang Li

李讓是台灣半音階口琴演奏家、作曲家以及音樂策展人。口琴啟蒙於楊正祥老師,並先後師事旅德爵士鋼琴與作曲家黃俊傑先生及德國爵士口琴大師Jens Bunge,與知名製作人陳建騏學習編曲,擅長曲風跨古典、爵士、流行等並熱愛創作,演出足跡遍及國際。經營之網絡頻道口琴演奏影片跨越國界具極大影響力,促使亞洲各國年輕人愛上口琴。 2009年世界大賽中拿下「爵士半音階口琴」與「藍調/搖滾/民謠/鄉村十孔口琴」雙料冠軍,為史上首位以亞洲面孔獲此兩項大獎之口琴家,2013年再添三重奏世界冠軍(任半音階主奏)。2021年第一屆香港國際半音階口琴作曲大賽以《日常三景》組曲榮獲「半音階口琴與鋼琴組」季軍、單樂章口琴協奏曲《坤離幻想曲》獲「半音階口琴與室內樂團組」優異獎,為獲獎者中唯一一位兼具演奏家身份的作曲家。 2010年參與政治大學集體創作音樂劇《麥田花》,受冉天豪老師與陳建騏老師之音樂創作指導。迄今創作許多演奏曲,如《噩夢Nightmare》三部曲、〈謎魂Labyrinth〉、〈游擊Guerrilla〉、〈綠洲Oasis〉、《測繪者The Map Painter》組曲等,創作與改編作品常由口琴重奏樂團演奏,此外更長年擔任國內外音樂比賽評審。 2023年成立簧格音樂有限公司(簧格故事藝創工作室)後陸續舉辦多場跨界饗宴,透過音樂與文學、花藝、油水投影等不同創作者對話,打造極致的藝術體驗,獲得廣大好評。

Jang Li is a harmonica player and composer who has studied under the guidance of jazz pianist and composer Huang Jun-jie and German jazz harmonica master Jens Bunge. His compositions and arrangements have been influenced by the mentorship of teachers Jan Tien-hao and Chen Chien-chi. In 2009, at the World Harmonica Festival (WHF) in Germany, he achieved a historic milestone by winning dual championships in "Jazz Chromatic Harmonica" and "Blues/Rock/Folk/Country Diatonic Harmonica," becoming the first person in Asian history to accomplish such a feat. In 2013, he further solidified his position by winning the world championship in the trio category as the lead player of the chromatic harmonica. In 2021, his composition suite titled "Three Scenes of Living" earned him the title of "2nd Runner-up" in the 1st Hong Kong International Composition Competition for Chromatic Harmonica 2021 (Solo Harmonica with Piano). Additionally, his single-movement harmonica concerto, "Brightness Hiding Fantasy," received the "Merit Award" in the 1st Hong Kong International Composition Competition for Chromatic Harmonica 2021 (Solo Harmonica with Orchestra), with support from the National Culture and Arts Foundation. Established in 2023, Huang Ge Music Limited (Huang Ge Story Art Creation Studio) has since organized a series of cross-disciplinary feasts. By fostering dialogues between music and literature, floral art, and oil projection, among other creators, they have crafted an exceptional artistic experience that has received widespread acclaim.


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