Kaohsiung Shorts 2: Little Deaths, Longest Night, Three Hours in the Life of a
Woman, J is for Just an afternoon thunderstorm
4部連映/總片長95min | 15+
一點一滴的死 Little Deaths
臺灣 Taiwan | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 20min
Two sisters live in a second-hand store where drug parties are common. Chun
finds solace by hiding herself in an old fridge, while Chieh appears
indifferent. After a quiet murder is almost carried out on a summer afternoon,
Chun realizes her seemingly amiable uncle is a perpetrator, plunging her into
an emotional abyss.
劉純佑 LIU Chun-yu
LIU Chun-yu is an ethnic Hakka born and raised in Hsinchu. His recent works
depict women in various social contexts, with particular emphasis on the lives
of foreigners and children. His film Red was selected for the Golden
Harvest Awards, while Invisible Children was selected to the
International Short Film Competition of Kaohsiung Film Festival.
長夜 Longest Night
臺灣 Taiwan | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 19min
In a post-apocalyptic world, Hao survives in a city under the repressive
military, chasing ancient inhabitants who have become monstrous. Hao's
girlfriend, Ying, is one of them. Hao tries to protect her despite the danger
she represents for him.
梁閎凱 LIANG Hong-kai
1989 年生於高雄。畢業於臺灣藝術大學電影系、法國高等電影學院導演系。短片《冬日陽光》曾入選克萊蒙費宏影展、台北電影節及高雄電影節國際短片競賽。現定居臺灣,正發展個人第一部長片《一座島嶼的假設》。
LIANG Hong-kai was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1989. He studied directing at
National Taiwan University of Arts and La Fémis, creating several short films
including Winter Sun, which was selected to Clermont-Ferrand ISFF,
Kaohsiung Film Festival, and Taipei Film Festival. He is currently developing
his first feature about the Taiwanese military world.
一個女人生命中的三小時 Three Hours in the Life of a Woman
臺灣 Taiwan | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 25min
Elementary school teacher Xuan-ying is paid a visit by Yue-jie, a student of
hers from 12 years ago. During the three hours they spend together in the
classroom, Xuan-ying slowly steps away from her former disaffection with the
world and once again witnesses what it means to be alive.
林宣瀚 Darren LIN
1997 年生於高雄,畢業於布拉格表演藝術學院影視學院。高中後旅外五年,2020 年回到臺灣,重新以嶄新視角和孩童般的好奇心認識這塊土地,傾聽它的聲音、它的過去。自詡為說故事的人,用電影的媒介,將聽到的說給願意張開的耳朵和眼睛。
Darren LIN was born in 1997 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. After graduating from FAMU
International and immersing himself in years of life abroad, he returned home
in 2020. Infused with a newly-formed perspective and curiosity, he is
determined to give the stories of Taiwan a never-before-seen retelling.
山雨欲來 J is for Just an afternoon thunderstorm
臺灣 Taiwan | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 22min
A casual couple's outing, a mysterious encounter, and an afternoon
莊詠翔 CHUANG Yung-hsiang
臺灣人,1987 年生,畢業於世新大學廣電所創作組,2021 年金馬電影學院學員。作品多在社會寫實的基礎上點綴魔幻色彩並融入個人對電影媒材的後設思考,形式上則遊走於劇情、紀錄、實驗的模糊邊界,持續探索當代影像的敘事可能性。
Born in Taiwan in 1987, CHUANG Yung-hsiang is a filmmaker based in Taipei. As a
director, he often sets his eyes on minorities, and at the same time keeps
exploring the boundaries of narration.
∵∴∵∴ ෆ˚₊‧ ꒰ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 高 雄 電 影 節 ꒱ ‧₊˚ෆ ∴∵∴∵
ܰ 𝙺𝚊𝚘𝚑𝚜𝚒𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒v𝚊𝚕 ܱ
ଘ 影展放映¦10.07-10.22 ଓ
ଘ 官網上線¦https://www.kff.tw/ ଓ
ଘ Facebook¦https://www.facebook.com/TWKFF/ ଓ
ଘ Instagram¦https://www.instagram.com/khfilmfestival/ ଓ
—— 銷售時間:09.17 SUN. 12:00 - 10.06 FRI. 23:59 ——
早鳥優惠票 150元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張
—— 銷售時間:10.07
SAT. 00:00 -
10.22 SUN. ——
電影館GOLD+會員優惠價 150元/張
—— 數量有限售完為止
▓ 退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前1日辦理,每張酌收票面金額10%手續費,逾期恕不受理。
▓ 紙本票請於觀影前完成取票,高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心內惟戲院、VR體感劇院及影展售票處均不提供取票服務。
▲高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心、市總圖 7 樓|每日該場地首場開演前 30 分鐘起,至末場開演後 20 分鐘
▲VR 體感劇院|週一至週日 13:00~19:00
▲P3倉庫|週一至週四 11:00~19:00、週五至週日 11:00~20:00
※ 依據文化部「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第3點規定,本節目之主要表演人員或主要節目內容,於預定表演前發生變動時,本活動之退票機制、受理方式、退款途徑等資訊,將另行公告於本節目頁面。