雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A|TTXC高雄電影節

KFF International Short Film Competition: Taiwan Shorts A

類別: 電影
高雄市電影館 (07)551-1211


雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 A
KFF International Short Film Competition: Taiwan Shorts A

4部連映/總片長98min | 12+

鯨之聲 Hearing from the Dolphin

臺灣 Taiwan | 2022 | DCP | Colour | 25min

★ 2023 金穗獎最佳紀錄片
★ 2023 新加坡華語電影節
★ 2022 新北市紀錄片獎首獎

數百支離岸風機正在臺灣西海岸大肆興建,緊鄰不到50 隻的中華白海豚將長期受到噪音干擾,長年投入鯨豚病理與聲音研究的獸醫楊瑋誠,試圖揭開這些看不見真相,開發與保育的故事,正在同步進行。

Hundreds of offshore wind turbines are being built in close proximity to the habitat of endangered white dolphins. A cetacean scholar tries to find a balance between development and marine ecology.

張弘榤 ZHANG Hong-jie


ZHANG Hong-jie is an independent documentary filmmaker and photographer. He specializes in delving into the corners of topics that have been overlooked, exploring various people and things in the world, and witnessing both the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of their lives. In recent years, his focus has been on ocean-related issues.

魍神之夜 A Night with Moosina

臺灣 Taiwan | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 25min

★ 2023 金穗獎最佳動畫片
★ 2023 澳洲臺灣影展最佳動畫片
★ 2023 德國奧柏豪森國際短片影展兒童及青年競賽


On a full moon night, a 10-year-old girl from a pig farming family in a remote village is lured by Moosina to a strange cave in the mountains, where she discovers the secret of why Moosina always plays dirty tricks on children.

蔡旭晟 TSAI Shiu-cheng

臺灣高雄人,動畫短片《櫻時》獲得2013 年東京動畫大獎首獎。以個人工作室創作,改編漫畫與文學小說為動畫,致力創作屬於臺灣本土鮮明的原創動畫。

TSAI Shiu-cheng won the Grand Prize at the 2013 Tokyo Anime Awards for Time of Cherry Blossoms. Devoted to creating local and distinctive original animation in Taiwan, his filmography also includes The Zen World in Fingers (2020), The Wolfdog (2015), After the Rainy Day (2005) and Artificial Sun (2004).

演習 Before the Military Drill

臺灣 Taiwan| 2023| DCP | Colour| 24min

★ 2023 金穗獎評審團特別獎


Hsiao-yu, a new immigrant who married over from China, must look after her hospitalized mother-in-law with brother-in-law A-lun. With the Anti-ELAB Movement still going on in Taiwan, A-lun is caught up in conflicts with Chinese students and is unable to go to the hospital, leaving Hsiao-yu to juggle both work and family alone.

王俊為 WANG Chun-wei

1990 年出生,臺北人,畢業於臺藝大電影所。專注於編導創作方向。希望創作能反應社會狀態。藉由每次創作在電影美學風格上做不同的探索。

WANG Chun-wei was born in 1990 in Taipei, Taiwan, and graduated from the Department of Motion Picture at NTUA. He is now focusing on scriptwriting and directing, hoping to create works that reflect social conditions and different aesthetic styles.

大日子 Big Day

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | Colour| 23min

★ 2023 金穗獎最佳劇情片、最佳攝影
★ 2023 台北電影節最佳短片
★ 2022 金馬獎最佳劇情短片提名


In the afternoon, a middle-aged married couple take a walk by the harbor and get into a fight when they meet an old acquaintance. On the way, they walk past the Mazu temple where he proposed to her, reminding them of how things used to be.

江宗傑 CHIANG Chung-chieh

畢業於世新大學廣電系。《大日子》提名2022 年金馬獎最佳劇情短片,並獲2023 年台北電影獎最佳短片、2023 年金穗獎最佳劇情片及最佳攝影。

CHIANG Chung-chieh is a filmmaker from Taiwan, who has made several short films on topics related to broken hearts and people stuck in dilemmas. He is getting ready for his first feature film.

∵∴∵∴ ෆ˚₊‧ ꒰ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 高 雄 電 影 節 ꒱ ‧₊˚ෆ ∴∵∴∵

‎ܰ 𝙺𝚊𝚘𝚑𝚜𝚒𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒v𝚊𝚕‎ ܱ

ଘ 影展放映¦10.07-10.22 ଓ

ଘ 官網上線¦https://www.kff.tw/

ଘ Facebook¦https://www.facebook.com/TWKFF/

ଘ Instagram¦https://www.instagram.com/khfilmfestival/


—— 銷售時間:09.17 SUN. 12:00 - 10.06 FRI. 23:59 ——
早鳥優惠票 150元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張

—— 銷售時間:10.07 SAT. 00:00 - 10.22 SUN. ——
長片全票 200元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張
電影館GOLD+會員優惠價 150元/張

—— 數量有限售完為止 ——
雄影短護照 699元/張


▓ 退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前1日辦理,每張酌收票面金額10%手續費,逾期恕不受理。
▓ 紙本票請於觀影前完成取票,高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心內惟戲院、VR體感劇院及影展售票處均不提供取票服務。








  1. 以「信用卡、行動支付、文化幣全額支付」購票:
  2. 以「ATM轉帳、現金」購票:



  1. 現場退票:
    9/17(日)~10/6(五)請至以下場館辦理:高雄市電影館:13:30~21:00,週一休館。內惟藝術中心 內惟戲院:11:00~21:00,週一休館 ※另有休館日將公告於官網。
  2. 郵寄退票:
    請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。

