雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 B|TTXC高雄電影節

KFF International Short Film Competition: Taiwan Shorts B

類別: 電影
高雄市電影館 (07)551-1211


雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 B
KFF International Short Film Competition: Taiwan Shorts B

6部連映/總片長97min | 6+

游墓 The Nomadic Tomb

臺灣 Taiwan| 2023| DCP | B&W | 4min

★ 2023 青春影展評審團特別提及


We enter the world from the womb with empty hands, and depart with nothing but our tomb. A runaway tomb on its journey represents a nomadic existence. Life is like a road trip that eventually leads to rebirth for all.

游珮怡 YU Pei-yi


YU Pei-yi's work draws inspiration from Taiwanese local culture and personal experiences. With a focus on the marginalized rather than the mainstream, she is passionate about imbuing her art with spiritual and imaginative elements, as well as humanistic concerns.

午夜節拍 Beats Per Minute

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | Colour| 20min

★ 2023 金穗獎最佳學生劇情片提名
★ 2023 比利時根特短片電影節


The lonely college boy Yong-ning receives a call from his old friend, Yi-jie. At midnight in Taipei, the two of them wander the streets, feeling their chemistry in the dark. Can Yi-jie catch up to the beats of his old friend's rhythm?

林冠辰 LIN Guan-chen

就讀於國立臺灣藝術大學電影學系,曾入圍金穗獎、青春影展等,作品《午夜節拍》,試圖挖掘酷兒內心的 Emo 舞曲。

LIN Guan-chen is a filmmaker based in Taipei, Taiwan. He is currently studying at National Taiwan University of Arts. His short films have been nominated by the Golden Harvest Awards and the Youth Film Festival.

睿的鹿世界 Ruei's Deer World

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | Colour| 14min

★ 世界首映


During a hot summer vacation, in addition to making Tik Tok videos and feeding the deer, Ruei has to deal with death.

朱建安 An CHU

1993 年生於臺北,畢業於國立政治大學企業管理系和紐約哥倫比亞大學電影研究所,入選2022 Platform Busan。編導短片作品《錦鯉墜落》、《陀陀》、《公鹿》,《陀陀》入圍亞洲區日舞影展、並獲得高雄電影節臺灣學生獎。

An CHU is a graduate of the Film MFA program at Columbia University. His thesis film, Tuo Tuo, won the Best Student Award at Kaohsiung Film Festival, and was also a finalist of the Sundance Asia Shorts Competition.

跳繩 Sister

臺灣 Taiwan| 2023| DCP | Colour| 20min

★ 2023 金穗獎評審團特別獎
★ 2022 新北市學生影像新星獎優選



Xiao-jei desires everything her older sister has, a rope skipping team, trendy shoes, close friends, and parental attention. "One, two, three, four..." She stares down at her feet... The only way to keep up with her sister is to practice like no one else...

吳姿澐 WU Zi-yun

生於新竹,畢業於世新大學廣播電視電影學系,喜歡捕捉兒童於成長過程的心理狀態。《跳繩》為其畢業作品,獲得第45 屆金穗獎評審團特別獎。

WU Zi-yun graduated from Shih Hsin University. She has a passion for making films portraying the happiness and bitterness of children during their journey of growth. Her short film Sister won the Special Jury Prize at the 45th Golden Harvest Awards.

鷺鷥河 The Egret River

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | Colour| 20min

★ 2023 台北電影節最佳動畫片
★ 2023 金穗獎評審團特別獎
★ 2022 英國布萊頓國際動畫影展特別提及


Among the tall buildings of the city, a lonely security guard hides a beautiful field that no one knows about and meets an egret there; but the expansion of the city never stops. One day, the field is destroyed, the egret disappears without a trace, and he begins to see mysterious illusions...

劉琬琳 LIU Wan-ling


LIU Wan-ling is a freelance animator and illustrator who graduated from Tainan National University of the Arts in Taiwan. She is often inspired by the observation of nature and everyday life, and her animations offer a unique and gentle perspective through detailed graphics.

荔枝椿象 Eggs

臺灣、香港 Taiwan, Hong Kong | 2023| DCP | Colour| 19min

★ 國際首映
★ 2023 鮮浪潮國際短片節


For the sake of love, two people in a foreign land go up a mountain to a place full of alien stinkbugs. But when they go down the mountain, they are no longer the same, and there are only broken eggs sprinkled on the ground.

莊世圖 CHONG Saito


CHONG Saito, a Hong Kong-born film director and actor based in Taipei, is currently pursuing a master's degree in film at National Taipei University of the Arts. Renowned for poetic, realistic films depicting realworld tragedies.

∵∴∵∴ ෆ˚₊‧ ꒰ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 高 雄 電 影 節 ꒱ ‧₊˚ෆ ∴∵∴∵
    ‎ܰ 𝙺𝚊𝚘𝚑𝚜𝚒𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒v𝚊𝚕‎ ܱ

ଘ 影展放映¦10.07-10.22 ଓ
ଘ 官網上線¦https://www.kff.tw/
ଘ Facebook¦https://www.facebook.com/TWKFF/
ଘ Instagram¦https://www.instagram.com/khfilmfestival/


—— 銷售時間:09.17 SUN. 12:00 - 10.06 FRI. 23:59 ——
早鳥優惠票 150元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張

—— 銷售時間:10.07 SAT. 00:00 - 10.22 SUN. ——
長片全票 200元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張
電影館GOLD+會員優惠價 150元/張

—— 數量有限售完為止 ——
雄影短護照 699元/張


▓ 退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前1日辦理,每張酌收票面金額10%手續費,逾期恕不受理。
▓ 紙本票請於觀影前完成取票,高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心內惟戲院、VR體感劇院及影展售票處均不提供取票服務。








  1. 以「信用卡、行動支付、文化幣全額支付」購票:
  2. 以「ATM轉帳、現金」購票:



  1. 現場退票:
    9/17(日)~10/6(五)請至以下場館辦理:高雄市電影館:13:30~21:00,週一休館。內惟藝術中心 內惟戲院:11:00~21:00,週一休館 ※另有休館日將公告於官網。
  2. 郵寄退票:
    請將存摺影本(刷卡購票無須提供)、票券、姓名電話等聯絡資訊於退票期限前(郵戳為憑),掛號郵寄至「100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 OPENTIX 退票小組收」。退票郵寄前請記下票面之訂單編號,並請妥善保存掛號收據。

