雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 C|TTXC高雄電影節

KFF International Short Film Competition: Taiwan Shorts C

類別: 電影
高雄市電影館 (07)551-1211


雄影國際短片競賽:臺灣組 C
KFF International Short Film Competition: Taiwan Shorts C

6部連映/總片長103min | 18+

人之初,性,本善 Lust of Life

臺灣 Taiwan| 2023| DCP | Colour| 21min

★ 2023 金穗獎最佳紀錄片提名

Oro 是一名專職AV 女優,她會從事這份工作是因為她很喜歡性,也很喜歡鏡頭下的自己。而她希望性這件事是可以拿出來被理性討論,具有鑑賞性且不淫穢的,人可以跳脫框架去思考,不要只有思考對錯,而是去理解每個人眼中不同的愛的風景,她也因此樂於舉辦工作坊或講座,讓更多人能從正大光明的方式去認識性。

Oro is a professional adult actress. She is in this line of work because she loves sex, as well as being on camera. She hopes discussions about sexuality can be approached with rationality, and that individuals can transcend societal norms and contemplate beyond simple right and wrong judgments.

李剛齡 LEE Kang-ling


LEE Kang-ling graduated with a degree in film from University of Paris 8 and a master's in documentary filmmaking from Aix-Marseille University. She currently works as a short film and advertising director. She specializes in heartfelt documentary films that focus on relationships between people and things, and culture preservation.

推特事 There's No Sex, Only Fans

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | Colour| 20min

★ 2023 台北電影節最佳短片、最佳新演員提名

煖煖是個在推特(Twitter)追蹤數達20k 的網黃,在網站OnlyFans 開放觀眾付費訂閱觀看自己攝製的素人色情片。一天,煖煖收到大學生阿鹹的合作來信,希望能體驗跟煖煖拍片。兩人相約在一間商務旅館玩煖煖最拿手的控射主題。第一次拍片的阿鹹,卻在滿足煖煖拍攝的技術需求,與沉浸其中之間陷入兩難。

On the website OnlyFans, viewers can pay to subscribe to various types of amateur pornography. Hsuan, who has 20k followers on Twitter, receives a letter from a college student who expresses an interest to make a video together.

丁啟文 TING Chi-wen


TING Chi-wen is a director and screenwriter from Taiwan. He earned his MFA in Scriptwriting from Beijing Film Academy. His latest short film, Unforgettable Darkness of the Stained Spirit, won the Jury Prize at the Golden Harvest Awards.

熱帶複眼 Compound Eyes of Tropical

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | Colour| 17min

★ 2023 薩格勒布國際動畫影展評審特別提及
★ 2023 金穗獎金穗大獎
★ 2022 金馬獎最佳動畫短片


The film's stop-motion animation puppets are made using Taiwan's unique papermaking technique rooted in traditional funeral ceremonies. Through choreography in the style of the Taiwanese "yi zhen" folk dance, the film portrays the Southeast Asian folktale "The Mousedeer Crossing the River".

張徐展 ZHANG XU Zhan


ZHANG XU Zhan specializes in hand-drawn animation, puppet animation, and digital image, combinating experimental film, cinema, and multichannel video installation. His works are full of bizarre, absurd and grotesque images

夜霧的港口 The Night Mist at the Harbor

臺灣 Taiwan| 2022| DCP | B&W, Colour | 11min


This story is set against the backdrop of a samesex love murder case during the Japanese colonial period and contemporary Kaohsiung. It pieces together various "dual-sided" symbols from Taiwan's history, reconstructing a completely new narrative.

陳飛豪 CHEN Fei-hao

生於1985 年。擅長文字寫作並運用觀念式的攝影與動態影像詮釋歷史文化與社會變遷所衍生出的各種議題,也將影像與各種媒介如裝置、錄像與文學作品等等結合,探討不同媒介間交匯結合後所產生的各種可能性。

CHEN Fei-hao, born in 1985, is a writer adept at using conceptual photography and moving images to interpret various issues associated with history, culture, and social change. He combines images with installations, videos, and literature to explore the possibilities of converging different media.

下風處 When the Wind Rises

臺灣 Taiwan| 2023| DCP | Colour| 18min


At a fishing village, plans for the expansion of a nearby oil refinery cause a big stir, triggering a three-way power struggle between an old protester, villagers, and factory representatives.

陳浤 CHEN Hung


CHEN Hung is a Taiwanese director, screenwriter, and editor. He is adept at depicting details in character arcs with a calm narrative atmosphere and utilizing daily incidents to unveil character desires. He is currently developing a feature film project.

著陸倒數 Landing Countdown

臺灣 Taiwan| 2023| DCP | B&W, Colour | 15min

★ 2023 金穗獎最佳學生實驗片提名


At nightfall, the sound of a whistle echoes as the young planet awakens. They gallop through the dark night , following pre-programmed instructions, silently carrying out their covert mission, gathering and dispersing. They await the break of dawn, leaving no trace of their presence when the sun rises again.

戴薇 DAI Wei


DAI Wei was born in a small town in southern China. She focuses on stories and emotions that exist in the gaps, using narrative, documentary, and experimental techniques to explore the intersection of reality and imagination.

∵∴∵∴ ෆ˚₊‧ ꒰ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 高 雄 電 影 節 ꒱ ‧₊˚ෆ ∴∵∴∵
‎ܰ 𝙺𝚊𝚘𝚑𝚜𝚒𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒v𝚊𝚕‎ ܱ

ଘ 影展放映¦10.07-10.22 ଓ
ଘ 官網上線¦https://www.kff.tw/
ଘ Facebook¦https://www.facebook.com/TWKFF/
ଘ Instagram¦https://www.instagram.com/khfilmfestival/


—— 銷售時間:09.17 SUN. 12:00 - 10.06 FRI. 23:59 ——
早鳥優惠票 150元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張

—— 銷售時間:10.07 SAT. 00:00 - 10.22 SUN. ——
長片全票 200元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張
電影館GOLD+會員優惠價 150元/張

—— 數量有限售完為止 ——
雄影短護照 699元/張


▓ 退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前1日辦理,每張酌收票面金額10%手續費,逾期恕不受理。
▓ 紙本票請於觀影前完成取票,高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心內惟戲院、VR體感劇院及影展售票處均不提供取票服務。





  • 退票酌收票面金額10%之手續費,如需換票,須退票另重新購買。
  • 如為信用卡購票,退票金額將會退回原刷信用卡。如非直接於OPENTIX購買,請與原購買人領取退票款項。
  • 退票手續費發票將預設存入OPENTIX會員載具,如有其他需求,請先致電客服中心(02)3393-9888 洽詢。







  • 9/17(日)~10/6(五)請至以下場館辦理:
    高雄市電影館:13:30~21:00,週一休館。內惟藝術中心 內惟戲院:11:00~21:00,週一休館 ※另有休館日將公告於官網。


  •  至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理,或將存摺影本(若為現金購票)、票券,掛號郵寄至100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 國家兩廳院 OPENTIX退票小組收。票券寄回前請先記下票券上的訂單編號(如:202101220000123-1),以便查詢退票狀況。




  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。


