雄影國際短片競賽:兒童評審團 A (7+)|TTXC高雄電影節

KFF International Short Film Competition: Children's Jury Award A (7-10 Yrs)

類別: 電影
高雄市電影館 (07)551-1211


雄影國際短片競賽:兒童評審團 A (7+)
KFF International Short Film Competition: Children's Jury Award A (7-10 Yrs)

6部連映/總片長62min | 6+

星空裡的編織師 Socks for the Star

俄羅斯 Russia | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 10min

★ 亞洲首映
★ 2023 薩格勒布國際動畫影展最佳兒童短片
★ 2023 西班牙Zinetxiki Zinemaldia 國際兒少影展


Dancing in cold space is dangerous, but close knit friendships will keep you strong.

奧爾嘉.蒂托娃 Olga TITOVA

1962 年生,畢業於格拉西莫夫電影學院藝術學系。以藝術家及導演的身份走跳於多家動畫工作室。曾參與《Shakespeare: The Animated Tales》及《Nightingale》等動畫影集與短片製作。

Olga TITOVA is a Russian artist and filmmaker. She graduated from the Art Department of the Russian State Institute of Cinematography in 1989 and has worked for animated studios including Ekran, Soyuzmultfilm, Classic, and Christmas Films.

狗狗泰德來抱抱 Dede Is Dead

捷克 Czech republic | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 8min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 柏林影展新世代單元特別提及
★ 2023 安錫動畫影展

一個再平常不過的清晨,男孩心愛的狗狗泰德倏忽離世。傷心與思念變成一朵烏雲,籠罩擴散令人窒息,卻也化為一個神秘次元,他們再次走過昔日散步的路徑,行經處也萌發繽紛色彩,帶來撫慰。死亡並不總是代表終結,會以另一種形式永遠伴他前進。版畫質感的2D 動畫,為生命終將逝去這難解議題帶來溫暖的療癒感受。

Death of a beloved pet is a difficult thing to deal with, and even though we try to prepare for it, it always seems to come too soon. This is the story of a boy and his dog Dede, who passes away suddenly and the boy is left alone with his grief.

菲利普.卡斯特納 Philippe KASTNER

現為捷克布拉格表演藝術學院電影電視學院動畫系學生,動畫作品包含《The Tower》(2021)及個人歌曲〈Wolfeater〉MV(2021)。2023 年《狗狗泰德來抱抱》入選柏林影展並榮獲Generation Kplus 單元特別提及。

Philippe KASTNER is a student at the Department of Animation at FAMU. He has directed and animated several animated shorts, including The Tower (2021), and a music video for his song Wolfeater (2021).

小老虎的收音機 Town Hall Square

德國 Germany | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 9min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 保加利亞In the Palace 影展最佳學生動畫
★ 2023 布宜諾斯艾利斯國際獨立影展


Bernard works behind the windows of a ticket booth at the Town Hall Square subway station and is waiting for something he seems to have forgotten. One day, however, a little tiger shows up and turns Bernard's orderly life upside down.

克里斯蒂安.考夫曼 Christian KAUFMANN

1993 年生於德國波昂,並在科隆學習媒體設計。2015 年完成學業後,他在多個電視節目中負責動態設計。2016 年,他開始在巴登-符騰堡電影學院學習動畫。動畫短片《小老虎的收音機》為其畢業製作。

Christian KAUFMANN was born in Bonn, Germany in 1993 and studied Media Design in Cologne. After finishing his studies in 2015, he worked as a motion designer for multiple television productions. In 2016, he began studying Animation at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Town Hall Square is his graduation animated short.

我家吽吽叫 My Name Is Edgar and I Have a Cow

捷克 Czech Republic | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 8min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 斯洛伐克Fest Anča 國際動畫節特別提及
★ 2023 里斯本IndieLisboa 國際獨立影展


Edgar's ordinary life is disrupted by a newborn calf he sees on a tourist trip to a slaughterhouse. He takes it home after finding out that the calf would become a schnitzel. When the calf turns into a cow and breaks things, he realizes his decision wasn't the best and decides on a radical solution.

菲利普.迪維亞克 Filip DIVIAK

1993 年生,斯洛伐克電影導演和動畫師。2021 年創辦了Tri Pirogy 動畫工作室,熱衷於透過孩童的視角,以天真、溫柔、富有創意的故事手法講述重要社會議題。他執導多部短片,在全球各影展上屢獲佳績。

Filip DIVIAK is a Slovak film director and animator. He studied animation at the Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, Czech Republic. He focuses primarily on hand-drawn animation, but also works as an illustrator and designer of characters and environment. He has shot several successful short films that won awards at festivals around the globe.

另一面鏡子裡的夢中之夢 Of Dreams in the Dream of Another Mirror

法國 France | 2022 | DCP | Colour | 16min


The world is alive, but maybe without mirrors and images, none of it would exist. The blind create images in a different way. They are on the other side of the mirror.

朱云逸 ZHU Yunyi

1988 生於山東,畢業於中國清華大學美術學院雕塑系、法國Le Fresnoy 國家當代藝術研究院。2022 年《一切近的都將遠去》入選法國真實影展正式競賽;2023 年《另一面鏡子裡的夢中之夢》入選2023 柏林影展新世代單元。

ZHU Yunyi is a Chinese artist. He graduated from Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts in sculpture and Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains. His works are based on personal experiences relating to the uses of our underestimated senses in the field of art, such as touch and questions of memory.

伊朗男孩與日本奶奶 The Old Young Crow

日本、美國 Japan, USA | 2023 | DCP | Colour | 12min

★ 臺灣首映
★ 2023 棕櫚泉國際短片影展最佳短片獎
★ 2023 洛杉磯亞太電影節評審團特別獎
★ 2023 坎城影展短片角落單元

一段伊朗小男孩與日本老婦人於墓園相識的過去。多年後,當時的小男孩雙手早已皺紋滿佈,他翻動兒時一頁頁的塗鴉,回想起母親過世後舉家移居日本的童年往事,試圖描述記憶中那片墓園裡的烏鴉,以及巧遇後神秘消失的老婦人。本片運用真人、手繪及2D 動畫技術,以多元媒材跨越了不同時空背景,以情感連結了不同語言文化。

Mehrdad, now an old man, reflects on his time in Tokyo as a boy after his mother's passing. He recalls an encounter with an elderly woman named Chiyo at a graveyard near his school. Through his old sketchbook, he recounts the tale of her mysterious disappearance as his childhood memories come to life.

連恩.洛平托 Liam LOPINTO

伊朗裔美國人,作品關注離散、難民、移民及異議者。2017 年獲得紐約大學帝勢藝術學院電視電影學士學位後,於早稻田大學及加州藝術學院進修人物動畫。現居紐約,於獨立電影院The Moviehouse 擔任副理。

Liam LOPINTO is a filmmaker and animator from New York City. He graduated from NYU Tisch's UGFTV program in 2017 and studied at Waseda University in Tokyo and attended CalArts' Character Animation program from 2017-2021. His film French Fly was selected for CAA Moebius' Showcase.

∵∴∵∴ ෆ˚₊‧ ꒰ 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹 高 雄 電 影 節 ꒱ ‧₊˚ෆ ∴∵∴∵
‎ܰ 𝙺𝚊𝚘𝚑𝚜𝚒𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚖 𝙵𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒v𝚊𝚕‎ ܱ

ଘ 影展放映¦10.07-10.22 ଓ
ଘ 官網上線¦https://www.kff.tw/
ଘ Facebook¦https://www.facebook.com/TWKFF/
ଘ Instagram¦https://www.instagram.com/khfilmfestival/


—— 銷售時間:09.17 SUN. 12:00 - 10.06 FRI. 23:59 ——
早鳥優惠票 150元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張

—— 銷售時間:10.07 SAT. 00:00 - 10.22 SUN. ——
長片全票 200元/張
短片優惠票 150元/張
電影館GOLD+會員優惠價 150元/張

—— 數量有限售完為止 ——
雄影短護照 699元/張


▓ 退票最遲須於該放映場次開演前1日辦理,每張酌收票面金額10%手續費,逾期恕不受理。
▓ 紙本票請於觀影前完成取票,高雄市電影館、內惟藝術中心內惟戲院、VR體感劇院及影展售票處均不提供取票服務。





  • 退票酌收票面金額10%之手續費,如需換票,須退票另重新購買。
  • 如為信用卡購票,退票金額將會退回原刷信用卡。如非直接於OPENTIX購買,請與原購買人領取退票款項。
  • 退票手續費發票將預設存入OPENTIX會員載具,如有其他需求,請先致電客服中心(02)3393-9888 洽詢。







  • 9/17(日)~10/6(五)請至以下場館辦理:
    高雄市電影館:13:30~21:00,週一休館。內惟藝術中心 內惟戲院:11:00~21:00,週一休館 ※另有休館日將公告於官網。


  •  至OPENTIX臺北、臺中、臺南、高雄四大服務處臨櫃辦理,或將存摺影本(若為現金購票)、票券,掛號郵寄至100012臺北市中正區中山南路21-1號 國家兩廳院 OPENTIX退票小組收。票券寄回前請先記下票券上的訂單編號(如:202101220000123-1),以便查詢退票狀況。




  • 如購票時使用文化幣或點數折抵,退票時,系統將退還折抵之全額文化幣,並於扣除退票手續費後,優先退還點數,再將剩餘款項退回。特別提醒,如退票時(含換、補票及因節目異動之退票),抵用之文化幣、點數已逾使用效期,OPENTIX將無法以任何形式進行返還、展延。


